Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

A method used to heal from trauma…

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was developed to help people heal from the symptoms and emotional distress of disturbing life experiences and trauma. Research has shown that EMDR can benefit clients in ways that used to take years of psychotherapy.

I’ve had training in trauma-based, cognitive-behavior therapy and exposure therapy, but I’ve been amazed at the power of EMDR to free clients from traumatic memories and symptoms of other disorders.

How EMDR works…

Essentially, EMDR takes advantage of the brain’s ability to learn, taking past experiences and updating them in resourceful ways. This is done by using a set of procedures to organize negative and positive neural networks with bilateral stimulation (eye movements, alternative tapping, etc.) to integrate past experiences with present adaptive learning.

EMDR is effective in treating a variety of issues, most notably Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. But there are many more areas where EMDR can be applied. I’ve worked with people struggling with complicated grief and panic attacks.

EMDR has also been successful in dealing with addictions, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, and phobias. One of the most effective issues where EMDR can make an amazing difference is sexual, physical, and emotion abuse.

Let’s put EMDR to work on your memories – to make them less painful.

EMDR can be a brief or long-term therapy depending on the complexity of a client’s issues.

I received my training in EMDR from EMDR Consulting, which meets the standards of excellence set by the EMDR International Association.

Go ahead and reach out by phone at (662) 435-0050 or email – or complete the contact form below to schedule a free consultation.